Limitations to Be Aware of If You Have Fire Extinguishers in Your Home

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Limitations to Be Aware of If You Have Fire Extinguishers in Your Home

8 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Portable fire extinguishers are one of the most common pieces of firefighting equipment in residential properties. However, not many people are aware of the limitations of these gadgets so they imagine that nothing can go wrong if a fire breaks out when an extinguisher is nearby. This article discusses some limitations that can affect the effectiveness of your fire extinguisher. Use this information to modify your fire prevention plan according to the risk factors in your home.

Each Kind of Fire Requires a Different Kind of Fire Extinguisher

Not all fires are the same; electrical fires are different from fires involving grease or burning wood. Consequently, there are fire extinguishers designed to combat different kinds of fire. For instance, a fire extinguisher having water is unsuitable to use on an electrical fire because you may suffer an electric shock. You should ensure that you have the right kind of fire extinguisher for the kinds of fires that are most likely to break out in your home. For instance, a compressed water extinguisher is appropriate since homes can easily suffer from ordinary fires like burning clothes, plastic or rubber. If an electrical fire breaks out, don't risk using the pressurized water fire extinguisher on it.

An Extinguisher May Be Too Small for a Fire

Fire extinguisher size does matter when it comes to firefighting. This is because some portable fire extinguishers can be fully discharged in very few seconds. For example, if the fire had spread to cover a significant portion of a room (such as engulfing most of the kitchen), it is unwise to rely on a portable extinguisher. This is because that extinguisher will be too small for the fire you are trying to control or put out. You should assess the magnitude of a fire before you engage the fire extinguisher.

Operator Awareness of Proper Extinguisher Use

Another factor that can limit the effectiveness of a fire extinguisher is how knowledgeable the operator is. If the operator does not know the most effective way to use the extinguisher, it will be very hard for even a simple fire to be put out. For instance, the user may point the fire extinguisher above the fire instead of low (close to the bottom of the fire). In such a case, the fire will keep raging (and spreading) since the extinguisher is not being pointed at the item that is on fire. That is why it is important to learn the correct way to use a fire extinguisher so that you can use it effectively.

Know the limiting factors above and consult your provider of firefighting equipment so that you discuss ways to increase the effectiveness of your fire extinguisher in case there is a fire outbreak. For more information, contact a business such as The Fire Protection Specialist Company Pty Ltd.