Two Common Refrigerator Problems You Can Fix Yourself

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A gas heater is a great way to keep your house warm and snuggly on cold winter evenings and chilly winter mornings. It's good for the environment, and a safe and affordable heating option. If your heater has spent the warmer months wrapped up in the shed, it's a good idea to get it serviced before you plug it back in to keep your heater working properly and your gas bill at a reasonable level. I keep track of new research about gas heating and servicing on this site, so that other interested users can find information easily.


Two Common Refrigerator Problems You Can Fix Yourself

16 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

The kitchen would be a different place without refrigerators. No ice cream or cheeses, and the only meat or milk you could have would need to be obtained fresh from the animal. When you think about it, this essential appliance is one of the most important machines you have in your home, but when it breaks, you must act fast before the food inside spoils.

By familiarizing yourself with a few of a refrigerator's components and keeping a few tools on hand, you can be prepared to fix a few common problems.

Problem #1: It Constantly Cycles

This problem is easy to diagnose because your fridge will constantly be making noise and your utility bills will probably increase because of the extra power this draws. Because the fridge is one of the most expensive appliances in your home already, you definitely don't want the price to power it to climb even higher.

Cause and Solution

If you life in a dusty environment or haven't cleaned underneath your icebox for a while, you are dealing with a debris buildup in the condenser coils. Luckily, this problem is an easy fix and only requires you to shut the power off, remove the bottom grill, and vacuum or wipe off the buildup on the coils. If you can't seem to locate them, simply consult the Internet or instruction manual for the precise location as it differs by make and model.

The other cause for an overworked fridge is an overly low temperature setting. The optimal range for refrigerator temperatures is between 2.8 and 4.4 degrees Celsius, so make sure your setting is well within the ideal area.

Problem #2: Your Fridge is Leaking

Characterized by a growing puddle underneath the fridge, leaking water can be both annoying and possibly damaging to the floor below; however, it is a common occurrence and can be repaired easily.

Cause and Solution

A majority of the time, water blockages are caused by a clogged defrost drain that has been overwhelmed with food particles or ice buildup. To solve this inconvenience, you will need to take a coat hanger, pipe cleaner, or small funnel to break up the blockage with warm water or force the debris out. If the clog is a bit too big for a simple coat hanger, you may need to remove the drain hose from the back panel and manually remove the debris.

As you can tell, there are a few easy refrigerator problems that don't need the expertise of a professional and that you can easily do yourself to save on fridge repairs